A chairde,
Mar Phríomhoide na scoile, is cúis bhróid dom fáilte a chur romhat chuig suíomh idirlín Ghaelscoil Longfoirt. Ar an suíomh seo tá eolas faoi réimse leathan de ghnéithe éagsula de shaol ár scoile, gnéithe acadúla agus imeachtaí eischuraclaim ina measc.
Tá Gaelscoil Longfoirt ar an bhfód ó 1998 ag cur oideachas lán-Ghaeilge ar fáil i gContae Longfoirt le níos mó ná fiche bliain. Ó d’oscail ár ndoirse don chéad uair le rang amháin, Na Naíonáin Bheaga, tá fás nach beag taghta ar an scoil. Faoi láthair tá 8 múinteoir ranga, ceathrar mhúinteoir tacaíochta, beirt CRS, rúnaí agus 160 páiste ar rolla na scoile.
Is í an Ghaeilge an teanga teagaisc sa scoil agus an teanga cumarsáide idir na múinteoirí, na páistí agus pobal na scoile. Tá an scoil suite i mBaile Longfoirt in aice le Club Peile Flipeadóirí Longfoirt. Mealltar na páistí le bheith bródúil as a dteanga agus as ár gcultúr.
Creidimid i nGaelscoil Longfoirt gur áit shona fhailtiúil í an scoil s’againne ina bhfuil múinteoirí, daltaí agus tuismitheoirí ag tacú agus ag comhoibriú le chéile chun atmaisféar dearfach Gaelach a chothú. Cé gur scoil Chaitliceach í Gaelscoil Longfoirt tugtar aitheantas cóir inti do gach aon chreideamh eile. Mar bhunscoil, spreagtar rannpháirtíocht na tuismitheoirí agus an pobal le bheith páirteach i saol na scoile. Bíonn an doras i gcónaí ar oscailt i nGaelscoil Longfoirt agus táim ag tnúth go mór le bualadh leat.
Tá súil agam go bhfaighfidh tú gach eolas fúinne anseo, ach má tá ceist agat nó breis eolais uait, déan teangmháil linn sa scoil agus freagróimid aon cheist más féidir linn.
Le meas,
Andrée Nic Aonghusa
A chairde,
As Principal, I take great pride in welcoming you to our new school website. We look forward to keeping you informed of the latest developments in the school, both academic and extra-curricular.
Gaelscoil Longfoirt has provided Irish Medium Primary Education in Longford now for over 20 years. Since opening our doors for the first time, Gaelscoil Longfoirt’s doors opened for the first time on Tuesday, 1st September 1998 with 22 children, the school has grown and grown. At present we have 8 classroom teachers, four support teachers, two SNAs and 160 pupils on the roll.
Irish is the medium of teaching in the school and it is also the means of communication between the teachers, children and school community. Gaelscoil Longfoirt is situated in Longford Town, next to Slashers GAA Club and has the use of many facilities in Slashers. The children are encouraged to be proud of our language and of our culture.
We believe in Gaelscoil Longfoirt that our school is a happy welcoming place where teachers, students and parents support and co-operate with each other to create a positive Irish atmosphere. While Gaelscoil Longfoirt is a Catholic School we recognise and welcome all other faiths and religions. As a Primary School, we actively encourage the involvement of parents and members of our community in school life. Our door is always open and you are welcome to our school any time to see for yourself the quality of provision we offer. I look forward to meeting you.
I hope you will find our website helpful in helping you to find out about our school. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to make contact with us in the school.
Le meas,
Andrée Nic Aonghusa